Chemical Wash
Chemical Wash
With regular use, your aircon will begin to build up an accumulation of airborne bacteria, dirt, dust, and viruses in its system and filters, which will affect its efficiency, performance, and life cycle over time if not properly maintained. Along with degrading the performance of your system, this accumulation of bacteria, dirt, and dust will also lead to a deterioration in air quality during system use. Regular maintenance is essential to ensure optimal performance of the air conditioner throughout its life, as well as to avoid unsanitary airflow and costly repairs.
An aircon chemical wash is the best solution specially formulated to restore and recondition the air conditioner to its optimum functionality. The detergent will clean up any stubborn oil, dust, and dirt stuck in the system and kill 99.9% of the bacteria that enter the system.

Some of the aircon Cleaning steps offered as part of a Chemical Wash

The Aircon chemical washing is very thorough. It is very effective because it involves not only cleaning but also inspection that the main parts of your air conditioner are working properly. Here are some of the steps that Aircon chemical cleaning suggests:
- Check the operation of the suction compressor, air conditioner blower motor, and discharge pressure.
- Check all major electrical connections for loose wires.
- Checking and flushing the air conditioner drain pipe.
- Disassembly and inspection of the fan coil unit.
- Chemical flushing of air filters, blowers, evaporator coils, condenser coils, and parts
- Cleaning the front covers and panels of the air conditioning system

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Aircon Service & Repair Singapore
The Perks of Aircon Chemical Wash Service Singapore
Low maintenance cost
Air conditioner maintenance costs will also decrease after a major overhaul. Because your air conditioner operates at maximum efficiency, it won’t cool your room too hard, saving you money on your energy bills. All parts of your air conditioner will be tested. You won’t need to look for a replacement as often because chemical repairs will also act as preventative maintenance for your entire device.
Remove particles and dust
Cleaning chemicals are effective in removing tough dirt deposits for years of maintenance-free use or years of downtime. The chemical cleaning process will remove dust and particles from even the narrowest areas of your pipes.
Checking the condition of parts
Our full chemical wash service also includes checking your air conditioner for other damage. Since we will be opening the aircon and removing most of its parts, our technicians will be able to inspect each part, identifying holes or damage that are causing leaks or whether they are working properly.
Complete cleaning of AC components
When we carry out chemical maintenance on your air conditioner, the air conditioner parts such as the compressor, evaporator, or condenser will be thoroughly cleaned. This process will extend its life. These parts will benefit from chemical repair because they heat up or freeze during long hours of operation every day. Cleaning both will allow them to perform at peak efficiency again and will also reduce wear and tear.
Trusted Name in AC Installation Services
If you are looking for the best chemical aircon washing in Singapore! No, look further! Just give us a quote today, and we promise to go beyond your expectations.